Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Show Summary

In an enchanted Alaskan forest, join a family of bears as they encounter different perspectives and values, ultimately sharing a common purpose with a salmon and resolving their conflict with a golden-haired trespasser, who learns precious lessons from them as well as from her bald eagle companion about respect, kindness, apologizing, and forgiveness. Hand-carved wooden marionettes bring this story to life with charming literary rhymes, alliterations, and idioms which engage, educate, and amuse. Hand-painted scenery presents the misty fjords and totems of Southeast Alaska in glorious color and authenticity. Opportunities abound to connect this story to ecology and geography, biology, history, and social justice.


The music used in this production was composed by, Adrian von Ziegler from, The Celtic Collection.
Music used with permission.

Length of program

45 minutes (with a 5-10 minute demonstration following the performance)

Publicity pack

Coming Soon

Photo Gallery (More coming soon)

The Making of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Carving Goldilocks' Head

Bringing Goldilocks Altogether

Carving Mama and Papa Bear's Heads

Bringing Mama and Papa Bear Altogether

Carving Baby Bear's Head

Bringing Baby Bear Altogether

Carving Lady Baltimore's Head

Bringing Lady Baltimore Altogether

Bringing Southey the Mouthy Salmon Altogether

Creating the furniture for Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Recording Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Painting the Bears' House Interior-Lower Level

Painting the Bears' House Interior-Upper Level

Painting the Bears' House Exterior